Source code for document.agent.instance

from elasticsearch_dsl import Date
from elasticsearch_dsl import InnerDoc as Inner_Doc
from elasticsearch_dsl import Nested, Text

from document.base import Base_Document

class Agent_Instance_Action_Inner_Doc(Inner_Doc):
    """Action of the agent instance installed in an execution environment."""

    id = Text(required=True)
    timestamp = Date(required=True)

class Agent_Instance_Parameter_Inner_Doc(Inner_Doc):
    """Parameter of the agent instance installed in an execution environment."""

    id = Text(required=True)
    timestamp = Date(required=True)
    # value

class Agent_Instance_Resource_Inner_Doc(Inner_Doc):
    """Resource of the agent instance installed in an execution environment."""

    id = Text(required=True)
    timestamp = Date(required=True)
    path = Text(required=True)
    content = Text(required=True)

[docs]class Agent_Instance_Document(Base_Document): """Represents an agent instance installed in an execution environment.""" # id already defined by Elasticsearch agent_catalog_id = Text(required=True) exec_env_id = Text(required=True) status = Text(required=True) actions = Nested(Agent_Instance_Action_Inner_Doc) parameters = Nested(Agent_Instance_Parameter_Inner_Doc) resources = Nested(Agent_Instance_Resource_Inner_Doc) description = Text()
[docs] class Index: """Elasticsearch configuration.""" name = 'agent-instance'
def edit_action(self, action): so = self.Status_Operation action.pop('type', None) self.actions.append(Agent_Instance_Action_Inner_Doc(**action)) return so.UPDATED def edit_parameter(self, parameter): so = self.Status_Operation id = parameter.get('id', None) ts = parameter.get('timestamp', None) value = parameter.get('value', {}) # FIXME improve new_value = value.get('new', None) if new_value is not None: value['new'] = new_value = str(value['new']) value['old'] = str(value.get('old', None)) for p in self.parameters: if == id: if != new_value or p.timestamp != ts: p.value = value p.timestamp = ts return so.UPDATED return so.NOT_MODIFIED parameter.pop('type', None) parameter.pop('data', None) parameter['value'] = value self.parameters.append(Agent_Instance_Parameter_Inner_Doc(**parameter)) return so.UPDATED return so.NOT_MODIFIED def edit_resource(self, resource): so = self.Status_Operation id = resource.get('id', None) ts = resource.get('timestamp', None) data = resource.get('data', {}) path = data.get('path', None) cnt = data.get('content', None) for r in self.resources: if == id: if != id or r.path != path or r.content != cnt or r.timestamp != ts: r.path = path r.content = cnt r.timestamp = ts return so.UPDATED return so.NOT_MODIFIED resource.pop('type', None) self.resources.append(Agent_Instance_Resource_Inner_Doc(**resource)) return so.UPDATED