Source code for docstring

from pathlib import Path
from types import FunctionType as Function_Type

from lib.http import HTTP_Method
from utils.sequence import wrap
from utils.string import format

[docs]def docstring(ext='docstring', methods=(HTTP_Method.GET, HTTP_Method.POST, HTTP_Method.PUT, HTTP_Method.DELETE)): """Generate automatic docstring for the class with a decorator. :returns: decorator """ def copy_func(func, name=None): """Copy function with a new name. :param func: function to copy :param name: new name :returns: copied function """ return Function_Type(func.__code__, func.__globals__, name or func.__name__, func.__defaults__, func.__closure__) def decorator(self): if self.__name__.endswith('Selected_Resource'): mode = 'selected' else: mode = 'base' for method in wrap(methods): base_mth = getattr(self, f'on_base_{method}') setattr(self, f'on_{method}', copy_func(base_mth, f'on_{method}')) mth = getattr(self, f'on_{method}', None) path = Path(__file__).parent / f'../docstring/{mode}/{method}.{ext}' with'r') as file: mth.__doc__ = format(, self=self) if self.schema.__doc__ is not None: self.tag = {'name':, 'description': self.schema.__doc__.strip(' \n')} return self return decorator